Tips for Sharing a Studio Apartment in NYC
Because space comes at a premium in New York City, it’s not uncommon for several people to live in close quarters. Can two people live in a studio? Believe it or not, two people sharing a studio apartment in NYC happens more often than you’d realize. Moving in with a friend or becoming a couple living in a studio apartment in NYC isn’t for everyone, but for many newcomers, it’s the only way they can afford to live in the city at all. That said, some tips and tricks can make all the difference in studio life. If you’re considering a one-room apartment with a plus-one, the key to success is in the list below.
Be Compatible
Yes, first and foremost, you must get along with each other. Otherwise, don’t attempt to live with someone in a studio. How do you know if you’re compatible when you haven’t lived with one another before? You probably don’t. So, moving in together is sort of an experiment. Whatever you do, don’t share a studio apartment in NYC with a stranger. Share an apartment with someone you trust, and hopefully know pretty well.
Aim for Opposite Schedules
One person at work in the morning and one person at work in the evening almost guarantees that you won’t fight over what to watch on Netflix. On the flip side, if you’re living with a spouse or partner, you’ll rarely see each other, and that isn’t always ideal for a romantic relationship. No matter your schedules, having some alone time each week is crucial to living together long term.
Set Boundaries
Regardless of your relationship and schedules, establish boundaries in the beginning and decide how to divide your studio apartment. Since you’ll be living in one room, having sleepovers with friends is probably out of the question, if not for any other reason but a lack of space. Decide who will take care of what (paying the landlord, cleaning the bathroom, vacuuming, and other household chores), so the responsibilities are evenly distributed.
Declutter Your NYC Studio Apartment
Purging unwanted items practically guarantees more space. The rule of thumb is if you haven’t worn or used it in a year, throw it out or donate it. When downsizing to a smaller studio apartment size, take only those belongings that you know you’ll wear or need, as well as the most sentimental items. And unfortunately, even some of your favorite things might need to go into a New York City storage unit.
Create NYC Studio Apartment Storage
There’s only have so much space in studio apartments in NYC. Sure, you might be one of the fortunate few who has basement storage, or you can stick stuff in your cousin’s house in New Jersey (lucky you). Even so, you’ll probably have more personal stuff than what will fit in a single closet, so reach for your inner interior designer and come up with creative studio apartment storage ideas. Places you can store items? Under the bed (so, a platform bed won’t work), shelving, a wall unit (which can also act as a great way to separate rooms in a studio), storage ottomans, and the list goes on. If you have an uncluttered apartment, naturally, the space will feel larger.
Be Obsessed with Organization
You have that storage going for you, now get busy. Studio apartments in NYC involve organization. Take stock of every item you own (and encouraging your roommate to do the same). Life will be easier, and you’ll like that studio apartment a little bit more when every item is in its place.
Invest in Good Headphones
With that small studio apartment size, there will be times when your roommate is playing music you dislike or watching something loud and explosive on TV and you’ll need to block out the unwanted noise. Without that second room where you can escape, headphones will do the job.
Live in a Vibrant NYC Neighborhood
If you live in an area of town that offers great restaurants, bars, shops, and parks, you’ll probably spend less time in your apartment. , so get out there and live in it. Use your apartment as a haven to escape the hustle and bustle, relax, and sleep.
Get Out of NYC
Not only is travel good for your soul, but you won’t feel stifled or confined to living in only one room. If you explore the world beyond your apartment and city, you’ll soon realize that your studio apartment is merely an address. The single room that you share with another New Yorker does not dictate who you are or your life experience. It’s probably a means to an end, so that you’re able to afford to live in the greatest city in the world and travel when wanderlust strikes.